Fuel Management

We provide fuel monitoring system where you remotely monitor and analyse the fuel usage by your fleet in real time at anytime from anywhere in the World.Amazing opportunity you access the service at no monthly fee to us except from you loading small internet bundles to monitor online and the tracker to upload data to our server.

Fuel Monitoring System
With global fuel prices going up high, effective fuel usage has become the most urgent and imperial task. GPS vehicle tracking systems with fuel monitoring function has become the most useful tool for remote fuel management by mobile phone or internet enabled computer. GPS tracking devices detect the fuel amount remotely as well as the GPS coordinates and time. Application of GPS fuel monitoring system allows vehicle tracking systems to greatly increase the functionality, providing the user with information not only about the location and speed of the vehicle, but also to answer a wide range of issues relating to fuel monitoring

Fuel tank fuelling control
GPS Fuel Monitoring Tracker gives user change to monitor where, when and how much fuel was filled into the tank. It dramatically avoids the manipulation of fuel and, consequently, reduces the operation costs.

Information on raising or lowering the level of fuel comes from fuel level sensor (car’s own fuel sensor or extra fuel level sensor), and GPS tracking system determines the location and time. The volume of fueling is determined using the calibration table that is either in a terminal of vehicle tracking system, either in the software of vehicle tracking system.

Fuel theft control
Fuel theft control is carried out technically similarly to fuelling control. GPS tracking device installed on vehicle receives data about changes of fuel level in the tank from the fuel level sensor. User of the tracking device knows about the unauthorised fuel draining almost immediately.

Measurement of the actual engine fuel consumption
GPS tracking device gains fuel consumption data directly from the vehicle fuel meter so as to avoid misuse.

Driver quality control
With fuel monitoring graph, management teams can easily view the fuel consumption when, where and why, so as to detect violations of technology, such as decreasing of duration of heating burners. Fuel tracking provides exact information about reel fuel consumption and prevents fuel draining, fuel fraud and fuel over consumption.

Our system includes Analog and Digital fuel monitoring systems that you select from.Both systems are genuine,each requires professional installations by our technicians.Do you have fleet of vehicles and your incur much fuel expenses? Or you not sure of fuel usage,our high advanced system will relieve you from all the stress at an affordable cost.Also can reduce fuel costs by 20% or 30%,prevent the fuel theft by drivers,employees or unknown people thus avoiding losses and damages. You can as well remotely identify the driver or person driving your vehicle in the real time.